Spagyric Therapy UK ELECTRO-HOMOEOPATHY Representing the only Plant oriented System
Spagyric Therapy UK ELECTRO-HOMOEOPATHY Representing the only Plant oriented System
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These Pure spagyric made EH medicines manufactured in Germany with GMP certification. You can get these medicine's on discounted prices.
The Series of the Lymph Remedies
Its influences the lymphatic ways and the organs being charged to prepare, purify and move the lymph and the entire liquid between the tissues.
L1 Echinacea
Indication: - The whole lymphatic system, states of decomposition of the lymph and blood, nervous debility spasms, glands and their tumours and inflammations. Chronicle eruptions, hernias and mastitis.
L2 abrotanum
Indication: - Metabolism, lymph and blood, which are influencing the whole current of humours. chronics dermatitis, loss of appetite and general weakness
The Series of the Fever or Nerve Remedies
It’s a far vaster effects than its name suggests and chiefly influences the whole, unconsciously working nervous apparatus, the sympathetic nerve center's and nerve braids, brain and spinal marrow. It chiefly affects nervous troubles in the circulation of the blood, in the peripheral vascular system as well as nervous derangement’s of the heart, besides interruptions in the regulation of temperature, production of sweat, the functions of our liver and of the other organs connected with the regulation of the metabolism and power balance.
F1 aconitum
Indication:- The whole vegetative nervous apparatus, hypo tension, nervous derangements of heart, production of sweat, diluted doses in fevers, palpitations and nervous conditions.
F2 cinchona
Indication: - Peripheral nerves, chiefly for external use. Neuralgia’s, itching of
the skin, sensitiveness, spasms, and spleen
The series of the Blood Remedies Influencing the blood and its motorial apparatus, cardiac and vascular system.
A1 Avena
Indication: - Arterial system, heart, being hypotension, increasing cardiac power, being hypertension, hyperemia,. Stimulate heart and blood circulation, i.e. in heart weakness. Acute inflammations diseases of the heart and its arterial system
A2 Hamamelis
Indication: - remedy for the Venous system. Being highly against passive hyperemia owing to interruptions in the venous circulations, varicose veins disposition for bleeding of the nose. Hemorrhoids. Chronic inflammation diseases.
A3 Hydrastis
Indication: - Blood especially red blood corpuscles, remedy for convalescence and formation of blood, deficiency of blood and general debility, especially of children. Chlorosis after loss of blood and the illness consummating the body, marasmus, nervous affection caused by under nourishment or anemia and neurasthenia. Best remedy for the Weakness condition
Strong doses in hypo activity of blood circulation i.e. hypotension, In all acute inflammatory processes
weak doses in hyper activity of blood circulation i.e. hypertension or bleeding
The Series of the Intestinal Remedies
Different diseases are often connected with the appearances of the certain parasites means foreign substances in the human being for instance of different sorts of intestinal worms or of monocular microscopically microbes. These ones essentially develop and breed because of an interrupted metabolism and an indisposition’s of the various tissues; The intestinal remedies stimulate the disinfecting made by ones own body, influence the intestines by purging and secreting, regulate the stools, in an especially favorable way with chronicle constipation through stimulating the intestinal glands and peristaltic. They are acting against worms by cutting the essential condition, that is the morbidly transformed contents of the intestines means fermentation, purification’s from these parasites, above all worms and spring or pin worms are susceptible. Moreover these remedies arouse the means of defence of the organism, thus are bactericide and, therefore, qualified as intermediate remedies against all acute and chronicle diseases all the more since they have similar qualities as the fever remedies as stimulants for the nerves.
W1 allium
Indication: - All the parasites and microbes all over the body, especially in the intestines, infection in the acute stage of intestinal region, diarrhoea.
W2 tanacetum
Indication: - Chronicle disposition for being at tacked by microbes, enemas and ointments. Infections in the chronic stages.
The Series of the Constitutional Remedies
It is an old fact founded on experience that by the constant effects of heavy damages, especially by serious diseases or by the abuse of alcoholic and narcotic poisons the inherited constitution of a man may degenerate so that the worst constitutional defects are transmitted to his descendants. The constitution remedy is the chiefly remedy to fight such hereditary constitutional defects. It is one of the most universal, remedies generally to ameliorate our constitution, and therefore, extremely valuable also for supporting all the specific remedies. Combined with them, it may by use against all chronicle diseases, especially constitutional ones.
V1 thuja
Indication: - Remedy calculated generally to better constitution, metabolism circulation of blood and lymph, and all sorts of decomposition of blood and lymph.
V2 steffensia
Indications: - Bladder and its mucous membrane, Chronicle catarrh of the bladder.
V3 phytolacca
Indication: - Supplementary remedy against chronically inflammatory diseases of inner organs.
V4 clematis
Indication: - Like Kn2 and Kn3, against acute symptoms, however, and espe- cially for external use.
V5 vinca minor
Indication: - chronic eczema, psoriasis and neuro dermatitis It may be applied in external use as ointments.
The Series of Pectoral Remedies
It acts influencing the respiratory organs, stands between the series of blood remedies and that of tissue remedies.
P1 adiantum
Indication: - Generally influencing the respiratory organs, windpipe, bronchial ways, cough, catarrh, and shortness of breath caused by obstruction with phlegm.
P2 phellandrium
Indication: - Catarrh indisposition’s of the respiratory organs, especially requiring
the elimination of viscous mucus well as marvellous results on the chest TB.
P3 drosera
Indication: - Wind pipe and its ramifications, catarrhs, cough, inflammation of wind pipe, whooping cough, bronchial asthma, chiefly remedy for females and children’s.
P4 ipecauanha
Indications: - Nerves of the respiratory tracks, convulsive cough, nervous asthma, shortness of breath, asthma of the advanced age, best remedy for the old peoples.
P5 teucrium
Indication: - Constitutional indisposition’s of the respiratory organs, actions on the lungs, pulmonary cells, bronchia, it more effect hereditary tuberculosis disposition.
P6 eucalyptus
Indication: - Bronchia’s, pulmonary vesicles, Chronicle, mild bronchial catarrhs.
P7 galeopsis
Indication: - Acute, intensive forms of inflammations of the bronchial ways accompanied by violent hectic fever or bloody sputum.
P8 glechoma
Indication: - Chronicle bronchial catarrh with slight raising of temperature viscous expectoration.
P9 polygala
Indication: - Feverish, acute forms of the bronchial catarrhs with convulsive cough and vomiting of phlegm.
The Series of the Metabolism- Remedies
Primarily takes effect on the organs working for the exterior assimilation as well as gastric intestinal canal with glandular appendage, then secondarily on those organs and tissues being usefully combined with them, which works for the interior assimilation, and last, but not least universally or constitutionally through the influence of these important organic functions on the whole organisms, that’s why it is called universal remedy.
S1 cochlearia
Indication: - Universal remedy for the entire metabolism, stomach, intestines with glandular appendage, secreting, stimulating metabolism and appetite, if regularly used it influences in an extra ordinary favourable way the whole constitution.
S2 lycopodium
Indications: -Bladder, catarrhs of kidney, liver and gall bladder, gastric glands, intestinal mucous membranes with constipation, piles, gall stones.
S3 scrophularia
Indication: - Skin dermatoid and hypodermic cellular tissue, eruptions, chronic herpes, dry and discharging ones, the sensible nervous system nervousness. Intestinal mucous membrane, colitis, eczema, neuro dermatitis.
S4 sarsaparilla
Indication: - Catarrh diseases of the kidneys and main act over the bladder and urinary tract infections.
S5 berberis
Indication: - Liver, formation of the bile, secreting uric acid, skin and hypodermic cellular tissue with acute eruptions, very fit for external use of motorial nervous system.
S6 solidago
Indication: - A kidney, gravel, stones in the kidneys, secreting remedy, arteriosclerosis, and dropsy. Improve the kidney function, nephritis.
S7 malva
Indication: - Acute, inflammatory diseases of the assimilation apparatus, stomach gland mucous membranes.
S8 veronica
Indication: - Assimilation, formation of blood, states of chronicle decomposition of humours, green sickness, and anaemia, with bad nourishment or in convalescence.
S9 nasturtium
Indication: - Nervous troubles of the gastric and intestinal canal, functional debility of the liver, insufficient secretion of the bile.
S10 centaurium
Indication: - It is act as a S9 but chiefly against nervous gastric indigestion and acute diseases, against symptoms of colds, infection migraine.
S11 lobelia
Indication: - Pharynx and gastric nerves, nausea, retching, vomiting. As well as nausea and vomiting of pregnant women, similar indisposition’s at railway, in the travelling and sea trips, vomiting with sick headache or migraine.
S12 euphrasia
Indication: - Special remedy for eyes, for external and internal use, catarrhs, inflammations of the conjunctiva.
The Series of Tissue Remedies
It acts especially influences the cellular structure, for instance metabolism remedy influences the action, the tissues remedy the structure of the organs, their composition, decomposition and recomposition.
C1 caulophyllum
Indication: - The entire complex of glands, general remedy of the cellular tissues of an extremely vast effect, which influences the decomposition, the wrong composition of tissue cells. Catarrh, irregularity of menstruations.
C2 equisetum
Indication:- Bladder, cystic catarrh, mucous membranes of the intestines and of the hypodermic tissues, haemorrhoids. Jelly-like and gelatinous sediments in tissues and joints. Liver and gall bladder. Kidneys.
C3 mezerum
Indication:- Remedy for skin and intestines. Glands and cellular tissue of the skin. Burns and scalds, simple and purulent chilblains. Chronicle intestinal catarrhs. over goitre and chronic diarrhoea.
C4 sympyhtum
Indication:- Bone-tissue, joints rickets, injuries of the bone, gouty sedi- ments in joints and muscles, breaking and splintering of nails, fall and loss of hair. Teeth and their insufficient growth. Caries of teeth, inflammation and catarrhs.
C5 conium
Indication:- Skin, glands, especially liver, venous system, rheumatic indisposition’s of muscles and joints, are corresponding with St5. It is especially apt for combination with other remedies Gw11, & Br6. For internal or external use.
C6 vincetoxicum
Indication:- Urinary system including central action on the kidneys and influencing mineral metabolism, arteriosclerosis, and gout.
C7 millefolium
Indication:- Chronicle scarification in the domain of the (Gw5) degeneration in the veins system, varicose veins, haemorrhoids and boils.
C8 chelodonium
Indication: - Glands and mucous membranes of the gastric and intestinal system, specially liver and gall. Pancreatic gland, large intestine and great gut. Portal vein, vegetation nervous system.
C9 pulsatilla
Indication: - Serious derangements of nourishment’s and metabolism. Stomach, lymph organs, glands, milt, liver and decomposition of blood connected with them.
C10 podophyllum
Indication: - Nervous troubles of gastric intestinal canal, large and small intestine, great nut, liver, gall bladder, milt and its tumours.
C11 rhus toxicodendron
Indication: -Venous system, liver, gall milt, skin, and muscles. It is of extensive effects owing to its combination, for internal as well as external use in all states of decomposition, diatheses, particularly in uric diathesis, gout, and rheumatism..
C12 sanginaria
Indication: - Acute, inflammatory forms of indisposition of the mucous membrane and glands.
C13 ailanthus
Indication: - Remedy for the pharynx, pharyngeal tonsils, laryngitis, catarrhs and gullet.
C14 belladonna
Indication: - Remedy for the pharynx, acutely inflammatory, feverish derangement of the pharynx, catarrh of the upper bronchial ways.
C15 condurango
Indication: - Gastric remedy, special gastric remedy, peritoneum and predisposition to rupture elastic tissues of the abdominal muscles.
C16 nux vomica
Indication: - Remedy for the gastric problems, serious gastric diseases, and general interruptions of assimilation and decompositions of blood owing to such gastric indispositions.
C17 rhus aromatica
Indication: - Contractor of the bladder, retention of urine, bubble in the bladder and enuresis nocturnal.
The Series of Fluids
The Fluids are remedies prepared to influence the balance of nervous pluses. Our brain is the centre of nervous inpluses. It contains millions of ganglion cells like stations for producing and in nerve power. But also directing important organs outside our brain, especially those situated in and next our organs of sense and our entrails, in our heart and intestines, in the big digestive glands there are numerous ganglions cells of such as kind, often combined in vast complexes to ganglions. The outer stations are also used for producing and directing nerve power. All these power and switching stations are connected to one another and to the big centres in our brain through conducting, the so called nerve fibres, which often combined like cables, run in thinner or thicker cords through all the parts of our body.
Indication: - Innervations of the arterial system through internal and external use, If doses undiluted, it is stimulant and tonic, but if diluted it is sedative. A first rate styptic for all sorts of inner bleeding together with Ad2 which it is employed for external uses for hearts problems.
Indication: - The venous system, whereas blue electricity and Ad1 correspond to the acutely inflammatory diseases, Populus together with Gw5 and Ad2 does so above all to chronic lingering diseases of feeble reaction. It is employed against chronically ul- cerating wounds, such as fistula, boils of the varicose veins, haemorrhoids, besides against ulcerating angina and gumboils to rinse one’s mouth, against abscess, Chronicle rheumatic pains and arteriosclerosis processes. Used in internally and externally in the ointments and baths.
Indication: - Nervous, neurophatic persons like it. It is also used as a internally or external against organic and functional troubles of the nervous system, besides against neuralgia and neurasthenia, migraine, sick feeling and like. It can be well combined with tissue remedies for the ointments.
Indication:- Stimulant. Arousing nervous activity vital processes, therefore the remedy for phlegmatic persons. To be used against troubles of inner secretion, diseases of joints and all the states of debilities.
Indication:- Sedative, diminishing organic functions, to be employed against all conditions of excitement and irritation. For internal and external use, above all against spasms of the gastric intestinal canal and of the gall bladder. Its effects correspond to the fever remedies and to the intestinal remedies. States of intense psychic excitement. Muscular convulsions, tickling cough and the like. Corresponding to the frequent change between excitement and relaxing at all nervous and psychic indisposition
Indication:- It influences skin nerves and cutaneous glands, the tropic derangement’s of the skin. It is employed not only as a remedy in the diseases, but it is also suitable admixed as a cosmetic, for the care of the skin, to the water for washing, to the soap and ointments, besides, combined with Euphrasia or St12, it has a beneficial effects on the eyes.
Indication: - This is laxative, nervine and anti scrofulous remedy, its act on the intestinal mucous membranes, intestinal nerves and intestinal glands.
Indication: - A constitutional remedy, it comprises the action of lymph as a constructive remedy, develops the blood, remedy for the tissues to supplements the blood as well as for the hereditary diseases, or a neurotic and a germicide as well as an after cure of serious illness, it furthers the general reconstruction of the tis- sue and permanently completes the cure, which has been begun with other remedies.
These products is not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent any disease. Do not use in Pregnancy. Keep out of reach of children. If seal is broken do not use. Shake well before use.