Representing a system entirely Plant-based Spagyric EH Therapy UK-GERMANY-WORLDWIDE
Representing a system entirely Plant-based Spagyric EH Therapy UK-GERMANY-WORLDWIDE
Homeopathy is derived from the Greek word ‘Homeos’ (similar) and ‘Pathos’ (suffering). The founder was Dr.S.Hahnemann-1755-1843 who formulated the formula of ‘similarity’ which means that the symptoms caused in a healthy person from his remedies cures those same symptoms in the unhealthy person with the disease symptoms.
This is somewhat different to the new type of system Electro-Homoeopathy of Count C.Mattei-1809-1896,who built the new system upon direct results of medicines on the unhealthy person so the results were certain to be observed working. This is what one might call ‘perfected’ homeopathy! Mattei also formulated ingredients to act in synergy-not singular-to create an energetic formula effect to deal with the whole disease of modern origin-not remove one symptom singularly,but to manifest the whole body holistically and overwhelm all parts that needed healing.As it is with Mattei’s system-a combination remedy-it works on the complex disease in every way,systematically working through each anatomical part and system to restore healing.
Spagyric Electro homeopathy is Plant oriented system of medicine Made of the finest pure remedies, WEHO UK, has created these unique quick guide based on spagyric EH remedies principles laid down by Paracelsus, Cesare & Krauss. Created with a holistic approach to health by treating both the root cause and everyday symptoms of the disease.
Special features of Spagyric Electro homeopathy
1. Restore digestive system because metabolic is the root cause of most diseases.
2. Utilizes of dilutions, mainly 3 type, upto D12, however, don't use readymade high potency.
3. Totally plant oriented system of medicines
4. No animal testing—all are trial on disease person.
5. Medicines are not proved on healthy persons
6. Medicines therapeutic target all organ or systems of the body
7. Medicines are selected according to the unique temperaments based on physical, mentally, emotionally
8. Types of Temperaments include: - Lymphatic temperament - Sanguine Temperament - Mixed Temperament (both Lymphatic & Sanguine) - Nervous Temperament
9. Treatment is not depended upon symptoms of the disease alone
You are what you eat, According to the ancient theory human should eat "natural foods" i.e. pure food determined by the science of moral and religion, and the other by the science of health and perform his virtuous actions. Only then is he worthy to be called a man. Lion is a wild animal, who eats flesh by hunting its prey, only when it is hungry. On the other hand, man is a social animal, he lives in a society of human beings, he has intellect, he is supposed to be civilized, so why this inhumanity? Is it humanity to catch dumb and mute animals by fraud --tie them --cut their throat and their body and eat their flesh? Is this human nature? To cook a dead body in home utensils, cook bones and flesh in wine and whisky, in the end put the dead animal's body in your stomach, is this human's moral code and conduct? Man has surpassed the limit of humanity. Flesh-eater cannot become a saint or a super-soul, yes; he can become a "Monster", not even an ordinary man. He who has made his stomach a cemetery, an impure house, can you imagine other cruel things? He deserves to be called a demon or devil, not a deity. Dharma (RELIGION) teaches ‘Ahimsa’ not ‘Himsa’. Is this humanity to eat dead animal’s flesh? Due to bodily characteristics the flesh is food for animals of jungle i.e. lions etc. mostly animals with claws. Is man a jungle animal? According to latest research and the Vedic point of view there are harmful results to meat eating. There are many moral implications, which are a part of our spiritual health. Consider the following for avoiding meat and its products: a. It is the most hazardous practice for environment and hygiene.
The spagyric healing method is based on electro-homeopathy which was developed in the late 1850s by the Italian scholar Count Cesare Mattei from Bologna (Italy). He included suggestions from the spagyric direction of Paracelsus, as well as the peculiarities of the preparation of medicines, and some basic principles of homeopathy. First and foremost, however, he relied on his own experience in the development of electro-homeopathy. Mattei was impressed by the very rapid action of his remedies, which in his view in some cases resembled the effects of electric current. On the other hand, since his healing system had similarities with homeopathy, he chose the name "electro-homeopathy" for the system he had built up. Mattei's medicines were compound medicines, that is, combinations of various spagirically treated plants used in certain indications. He assumed that, apart from external injuries, there are only two causes of illness, namely, disorders of the blood and lymph. Then he founded the classification of drugs in those that correct the blood circulation and the blood composition and those that are used in the disease of the lymph. Mattei provided these universal remedies with specific organ resources that were used to specifically influence individual organs such as the lungs or intestines.
The first and the foremost thing is to get acquainted with the names of the sources of this system of Medicine the plants or the vegetable kingdom is the source. No other source like Mineral kingdom or Animal kingdom, Nosodes is initialized for the production of the remedies of this system. This is the merger and very unique feature of electro homeopathy & this confirm it to the LAW OF ORGANICITY & makes it the only Naturo-Scientific system of Medicine.
1stly- There is 115 Vegetable Plants
2ndly- These plants are form the 60 remedies
3rdly These 60 remedies are divided into 10 Combinations.
4thly - These 10 Groups are further classified under five groups.
Names of electroid electro homeopathic plants
a. Aloe, Abro; Aco; Adi; Acescu; Agari; Ailanth ; allium2; Albe Althea; Anthe; Arni; Avana, achi, ……………… 16
b. bell; Berb; Betula 16+3=19
c. Can; Cap; Car; Caulo; Cetra; Chelli; Cheno; chimici; ; Cin2; Clem; Coch; Conium 19+13=32
d. Dicta; Drosera; Dulca………………………… 32+3=35
e. Echi; Equ Ervu; Eryt. Euca Euon, EuphoEup……… 35+8= 43
f. Fucus…………………………………………… 43+1=44
g. Gali; Geni; Gentia; Glaco; Guaiacs…………. 44+5=49
h. Hama; Humu; Hydrast; hyosc………… 49+4=53
i. I Impera:… 53+1=54
j. Lod; Lobell; Lyco................................................... 54+3=57
k. Malwa; mely; maney; mez; mille; martns…………… 57+6=63
l. nashuritium; …………………… 63+1=64
m. Oxalis……………………………… .. 64+1=65
n. Petro; Phell; Phy; Pimpi; Pinus2pdo; polly; Popu2 ; Palmo; pulsa 65+12= 77
o. Reum; rodo; rhus2 ; Rosa; Rosma Ruta……… …… 77+7=84
p. Salux; Salwa2 ; Sambu; Sangu; Sorba Sarsa; Scolo; Scrofu; Samper; Sima soil; Spigal; Stephen; Symp, Sytrc 84+16=100
q. Tana; Tara; Taxus; Teucri; Thuja Thymusy; Tilea; Tussilago ………. 100+8=108
r. Urgo.. 108+1 = 109
s. Vero; Vebi; Vimca; Vinect; Viscum; Vitis… …………109+6=115
10 groups of combinations L2 , F2 , W2 , S12 , P9, V5 , C1 , E5 , T2 = 10 GROUPS
1 A3 stands for A1 A2& A3
2 C17 stands for C1 to C17
3 F2 stands for F1& F2
4 L2 stands for L1& L2
5 W2 stands for W1& W2
6 P9 stands for P1 to P2
7 V5 stands for V1 to V5
8 S12 stands for S1 to S12
9 E5 stands for W, B, G, Y, & R
10 T3 stands for SL, APP
Adermittel Ad
Gewebemittel Gw 17
Fieber Nervemittel Fb 2
Lymphmittel Lf 2
Brusmittel Br 9
Stoffwechselmittel St 12
Darmmittel W 2
Konstitutionsmittel Kn 5
FLUID Color symbol
Capsella Blue 1
Populus Green 1
Rhododendern Red
Sambucus Yellow 1
Viscum album White 1
10 Groups of the Combination
A3 C17 F2 L2 W2 P9 V5 S12 E6 T2
These fluids maybe employed, according to disease, pure or diluted, internally or externally